everyone is welcome here
everyone should be welcome everywhere
Have you seen
this cling?
This means that the business wants people to know that they stand for diversity and equality. That their support kindness over hate. That they work hard everyday to try to be part of the solution.

It might seem silly to some but a visual representation of where you stand is important. It can help keep people safe.

We’ve made a bold move by founding MyKindofPeople.ca to uncover those who preach love but then cherry-pick whom they serve. We’re fed up with the negativity and strive to cultivate a community centered on love and inclusivity. Will you stand with us and spread kindness through this small gesture?
be part of the solution
We dream of a world where EVERYONE FEELS WELCOMED, acknowledged, and valued. We believe that individuals should be able to express their true selves, unapologetically, no matter where they are.

We’re a small initiative committed to advancing inclusivity. Our mission revolves around producing decals for businesses, proudly announcing that their establishment can be used as a sanctuary for people of all backgrounds. While some may downplay its importance, discrimination continues to cast a shadow over everyday activities, making tasks as simple as shopping daunting for those deemed “different.” Whether it’s due to race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or personal style choices, everyone deserves to feel safe. Our goal is to quash this internal doubt by providing clings for businesses that wish to boldly affirm the value of each individual. Will you join us in this meaningful endeavour by taking a small but pivotal step towards promoting unity and inclusivity?
Vibrant Styles
to match any business
Have ideas? We are open to making more!